Details of the Change of Contractor Procedure

  1. PLEASE COMPLETE FORM. Please fill out the online application form. Alternatively the form can be downloaded from here and the completed document sent to Safe Electric. On submission of the form, you should also receive notification to your email with your message details.
  2. NEW REC MUST NOT COMMENCE WORK UNTIL APPROVAL IS PROVIDED. The nominated REC shall not commence Controlled Works until Safe Electric approves the Change of Contractor Application and the Customer receives the Change of Contractor Approval.
  3. APPROVAL PROVIDED WITHIN 14 DAYS (IF ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA MET), PLEASE PAY FEE OF €322 + VAT. Your Change of Contractor request will be assessed and on the basis that eligibility criteria have been met, an approval will be provided within 14 days. A minimum charge of €322 + VAT will apply for a Change of Contractor Inspection.
  4. CONFIRMATION OF APPROVAL LETTER SENT WITH FORM FOR NEW REC TO COMPLETE. A confirmation letter will be sent to you with a blank Inspection Request Form that should be filled by the nominated new contractor and returned to Safe Electric when the Installation is completed.
  5. INSPECTION BY SAFE ELECTRIC IS REQUESTED BY NEW REC.When the Electrical Installation work is ready, the nominated REC requests a Safe Electric Inspector to inspect the Controlled Work before it can be certified by the contractor.
  6. CERTIFICATE ISSUED BY NEW REC. The nominated REC will be responsible for issuing a Certificate for the Controlled Works and will ensure that the Controlled Works meet the requirements for Certification.