Application for a Change of Contractor


An application to change electrical contractor is required where the installing contractor is not available to complete and/or certify a new Installation.

Only electrical contractors who are registered with Safe Energy Ireland (i.e. RECs) can issue a Certificate. Furthermore, a REC may only issue a Certificate for Controlled Works they have carried out and/or for which they have been responsible.

The application enables a REC to be authorised to carry out Controlled Works, where the original contractor is unable to do so, thus ensuring that the Customer will receive a Certificate and can be connected/reconnected to the electricity distribution system if required.

The situation can arise for various reasons:
– Workload pressure on the first contractor, business difficulties, loss of staff, illness, etc.
– A dispute where the electrical contractor refuses to complete the work or issue a Certificate thereby frustrating a connection to the network or the use of the installation.

What to expect

Here is a summary of how an application to change contractor is handled by Safe Energy Ireland

  1. Please complete Form
  2. New REC must not commence work until Approval is provided
  3. Approval provided within 14 Days (if Eligibility Criteria met), please pay fee of €322 + VAT.
  4. Confirmation of Approval Letter sent with form for new REC to complete
  5. Inspection by Safe Energy Ireland, requested by new REC
  6. Certificate issued by new REC

Please see Details of the Change of Contractor Procedure for further information.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The nominated contractor is a Safe Energy Ireland Registered Electrical Contractor (REC).
  • The Change of Contractor form is fully completed with details of the applicant, original contractor, nominated contractor and reason for a Change of Contractor.
    Please note: If you refer to the original installing contractor as “unknown” in the Application for Change of Contractor Form, Safe Energy Ireland may initiate the Report Illegal Works procedure which can lead to further investigations concerning the identity and registration status of the original installing contractor.
  • Safe Energy Ireland has been in contact with the original contractor where possible.
  • An inspection has been carried out if required by Safe Energy Ireland or if requested by the Customer or by the nominated contractor and the results communicated to the requester.

Online Application Form