Date: 1st September 2020
Dear Member,
You will have received the Annual Report and Accounts for The Register of Electrical Contractors of Ireland CLG for the Year ended 31st December 2018, Notice of the Annual General Meeting and the format and live streaming of Annual General Meeting to comply with government protocols and HSE public health measures.
The AGM will be live streamed to members at:
- 11.30am on Saturday 26th September 2020 from the Red Cow Moran hotel, Naas Road, Dublin 22.
- The live stream access details to view the AGM proceedings have been sent to you.
Due to COVID 19 restrictions the 27th Annual General Meeting of the Register of Electrical Contractors of Ireland, Company Limited by Guarantee, will be conducted in the following manner:
- By limiting attendance at the AGM to a quorate being present – twelve (12) either by physical attendance or by proxy;
- By live streaming the AGM to members;
- By requesting members to vote by proxy, thereby not having to physically attend and vote; (and the contents of the proxy form will regulate the appointment of the proxy);
- By encouraging members to submit questions in advance of the AGM in writing (to the deadline for proxy voting), that will be answered during the live stream of the AGM
RECI may need to amend the above arrangements to comply with ongoing changes in Government COVID 19 guidance.
If a member wishes to submit a question(s) in advance of the AGM, please submit in writing, to the deadline for proxy voting, to:
P. Martin, Company Secretary, Unit 9, KCR Industrial Estate, Kimmage, Dublin 12.
Only those physically present or by proxy (the quorate of 12) will be deemed to be present at the meeting and entitled to vote.
Yours sincerely,
Pierce Martin