A new amended version of I.S. 10101 2020 was introduced in September 2024. The printed version of this document can be identified from the previous version in that it has a diagonal yellow stripe on the top right of the front cover. This latest version of the wiring rules can be obtained from the NSAI online shop HERE. Please note that Safe Electric do not sell copies of the standard.
Clause 1.2.24 from Section C of the CRU Electrical Criteria Document requires that all Registered Electrical Contractors possess copies of the latest version of the Wiring rules. As the latest version is now the amended one, Registered Electrical Contractors should ensure going forward that the latest version of the rules is available during their annual audit.
To allow contractors to obtain the new versions, a grace period until the end of March 2025 has been agreed.
After this date, if a REC does not present the latest copy of the rules during the annual Audit, an audit non-conformance will be issued, and the REC will have 30 days to rectify the non-conformance. Failure to rectify audit non-conformances could lead to delays issuing certificates for new work.
Extract from Criteria Document Part 5 DEFINITIONS (Page 16)

Extract from Criteria Document Section C Clause 1.2.24 (Page 68)