Important update regarding RCD protection for PV microgeneration systems

On the 19th of September 2024, the Board of Directors of NSAI signed off on the 2024 Amendments to Irish Standard (I.S.) 10101.  From this date, the amendments become part of the standard. One of the amendments is a change to rule 551.9.3 (see screenshot below) which deals with RCD protection for Microgeneration Systems.

 This change impacts small (less than 5kw) Photo Voltaic (PV) systems. It is now permissible to provide RCD protection for micro-generation systems at up 100 milliamps. For clarity, prior to this date, Safe Electric inspectors who identified that RCD protection in excess of 30 milliamps on these systems, would be obliged to issue a Non-Conformance.

The online version of IS 10101 which is only available to persons who purchased the original paper version, has now been changed to the amended version and reflects this change. I understand the paper copies of the amended version are being printed and will be available to purchase shortly from the NSAI Standards Store HERE. The amended version has a yellow stripe on the top right corner of the front cover to assist identifying the different versions.

Safe Electric team is preparing a document outlining the overall impact of the amendment and this will be released to all Registered Electrical Contractors (RECs) shortly.