How to Renew Your Annual Registration 2022

Safe Electric is committed to improving our services to our members. Since last year our format for paying your annual registration includes an online payment system, this year we have upgraded it. Please see below for more information about how to renew your registration.

Is your email address previously registered in our system?

  • If you have an email address registered with us, you will receive an email containing:
    1. Your 2022 registration invoice
    2. A link to the new website to proceed with the payment online
    3. Username & password
    4. A copy of the Safe Electric Rules of Registration
    5. A Link to the CRU Criteria Document
  • If you do not have an email address registered with us, we will contact you by phone to update it in the next few days.  

A text message including your invoice number will be communicated to each Registered Electrical Contractor. If you have not received this text, please email and update your mobile number. If you wish to pay by phone, please contact 01 492 9966 and select option 3.

Paying your 2022 Registration Fee Online

The most efficient way to pay is through our website. To pay online please follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to

2. Select Log in

3. Once you have selected the Log in button you will be prompted to enter your username and password.

4. After logging successfully using your username and password, you will see that your annual subscription has now been automatically added to your basket.

5. You must now complete the required fields and fianalise the payment.

6. You will now be directed to fill out your payment details.

Other methods of payment

There are alternative methods by which you can renew your registration:

  1. Bank Transfer (please email to obtain the details)
  2. Postal Order (please make out postal orders to R.E.C.I and not Safe Electric)
  3. By Cheque (please make out postal orders to R.E.C.I and not Safe Electric)

Safe Electric ID Cards

Printing of ID cards will start on the 6th of January 2022.

All ID cards related to Registration fees received before the 6th of January 2022 will be printed and issued within 7 working days of the 6th of January. Likewise, all new registration fees received thereafter will also be issued within 7 working days.

Payment deadline

Safe Electric would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the excellent contribution to electrical safety from all RECs in these challenging times. We thank you for your valued support and commitment to the Scheme.

The deadline for paying the annual registration fee is 31st January 2022.

Please make sure that you provide your payment by the deadline, otherwise, your registration may be suspended.

By paying and renewing your registration, you agree to the Safe Electric Rules of Registration.